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Found 19 results

  1. Version


    The worst thing to happen to Minecraft since the opening of Chaotic United, the OFFICIAL gaming pack. Also available is "" which replaces the burning skull painting with "balls".
  2. Alrighty folks - the wait is over. Those of you who've been craving a Modded MC experience have to wait no longer - Age of Rebirth is here. We've got some big plans for the modpack as time goes on, however for this initial release we're focused on getting something comparable to a less-buggy Brink of Chaos available. Most of our ideas include more story-driven/RPG elements, but not much of this exists except for some structures here and there - and the actual premise of the modpack. You may (or may not) be wondering, how does Survival Minecraft fit into any sort of tangible or believable plot or world? Well, the answer is this: That is the description of the modpack on Technic, as well as on the modpack webpage. Several aspects of the modpack have been designed to help "sell" this premise - as you'll discover through playing. A handful of hand-made structures are placed around (with more to pop up here and there), but a number of natural structures have also been introduced - the details of which I'll let you discover on your own. There has been a fair bit of testing done, albeit this was earlier in the year. Even so, some bugs are expected here and there. If you find any new bugs, you can submit any bug reports in the Age of Rebirth section in the bug tracker. Installing the modpack is the same process as Brink of Chaos. If you need additional help installing the pack, just CLICK HERE for an installation guide. The rest of the topic will be spent on going into some of the new additions to the modpack. If you'd like to avoid spoilers, then feel free to stop reading here and go play the pack. New Features Spawn - Finally! An actual spawn! I know! Crazy to think about! It's nothing too crazy, but it's a drastic improvement compared to past spawns if you ask me. Granted, that doesn't exactly say much - but hey. Gotta start somewhere right? The main goal was to build something that properly takes advantage of modded blocks. Flans Mod - An actual wide array of weapons and vehicles! The old Brink of Chaos modpack had a "wide range of weaponry", according to the old webpage for it. Well, Age of Rebirth actually has a lot of weaponry. And vehicles. Aircraft tends to be buggy so I'd advise avoiding those, but land vehicles and handheld weapons work just fine. + Added Immersion A couple mods have been added to help increase immersion. Dynamic Surroundings adds additional sound effects such as environmental sounds, as well as footstep sounds. Fancy Block Particles makes all particles 3D instead of 2D. Most recently, we've added Real First Person 2 - which makes it so that you aren't just a floating camera in first person. Rather, you're a full person with legs, arms, and a body. It has several different modes and you can cycle through them with F1 - one of which turns it off, if you aren't a fan of it. Other New Mods Along with the highlights above, a number of other mods have been introduced, including but not limited to: Advanced Chimneys Catwalks Compact Machines Doomlike Dungeons Food Expansion Iron Backpacks MCFrames Modular Powersuits ReAuth Recurrent Complex RFTools Roguelike Dungeons Ropes Plus Tinker's Mechworks Waystones WorldEdit CUI Other Additions/Changes Custom logo/colors during Forge initialization New font used throughout the modpack New hotbar/UI design (can be disabled using a built-in resource pack) DefaultKeys mod added, which means that config options and keybindings won't get reset with each update Ding mod added to play a little "ding" when the modpack is fully booted New main menu music ITLT mod added which allows for a custom application icon and window title Bugfixes! Some of the following major issues have been fixed: Laser mod no longer mass spams console when using reflector blocks DIMENSION PORTALS WORK PROPERLY AND PERFECTLY FINALLY, NO MORE HAVING TO WARP TO DIMENSIONS Skins no longer break down and display incorrectly when switching between worlds OpenBlocks elevators now place the proper color (not craftable yet, coming soon) A couple other help topics have been posted and pinned in the Age of Rebirth subforum as well feel free to give those a look-over. Otherwise, just boot up the modpack and have fun!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is the SkyBlock world that CU had from 1.12.2 and prior. We have left the spawn intact this time around for archival purposes. Please note that any newly-generated chunks will generate normal terrain if loaded in a singleplayer environment without any sort of custom empty world generator. You cannot take this map, or any structures within it, and run it in your own server or someone else's. This is only for those who wants to continue their projects on it instead of having to start over in single player mode. Breaking this rule will result in your download privileges being permanently suspended and could result in your account being banned.
  4. Hey folks! Minecraft turns 10 today! So, obviously one must ask - what are we doing to celebrate Minecraft's 10th birthday? Two things: 1. Everything on is 50% off for the next week! If you've been eyeing one of those shiny rank upgrades, now's a fine chance to grab it for cheap! 2. The 10 year celebration map that Mojang put up is up on a server for you to explore! Fire up 1.14.1 and connect to to check it out! There is one other little thing that we'll be doing as part of this, but it won't come into effect until a fair bit later once we update to 1.14 - so stay tuned for that! If you haven't already, go ahead and check out the page on in regards to its 10th anniversary. Nothing much else this time around - let's all celebrate 10 years of Minecraft!
  5. Right so, I've gotten back to minecraft recently and have been addicted to Brink of Chaos because of, but not only, Thaumcraft 4. As I've been really into thaumcraft and stuff, I wanna suggest adding some addons to enhance the mod; like Thaumic Tinkerer, that adds a bunch of new and cool stuff to play around with. I'd also like to suggest the addition of the mod ChickenChunks. This mod adds a block to let the chunks loaded when a player is not around, so your farm and stuff will still grow and work nicely. I don't know how this is going to work towards lag, but as not many players have been on lately I assume not many people will be using this so it shouldnt be causing any lag. Thanks
  6. Hey, everyone! Remember that poll we did a few days ago? Well, taking the poll into account, we've made our decision and CU is now introducing a brand new server - a Semi-Vanilla server! So, what is this server exactly? This server is the pure Minecraft experience. There is an economy system in place, as well as grief protection, and other basics. There is going to be a single donation rank - VIP, for the same price as the main server's VIP rank: 10 dollars. We will also be having time based ranking make a return as well - more details on that later. There is no McMMO, Jobs, or anything of the sort - it's essentially the core MC experience as it was designed. Additionally, there are NO donation ranks that feature things like /item, /gamemode, or /fly or any other such perks. The perks for VIP will be as follows: Semi-Vanilla VIP Perks List The goal of the server is to create an experience where all players are equal, a fair playing field. Along with this server's implementation, we've introduced BungeeCord again (and a hub that may look familiar to some of you who were around in 2016). The main purpose of implementing BungeeCord is to advertise this server separately from the main MC server. Now, this may not end up sticking and we may end up migrating the server into the multiworld setup with the main server, it just depends how things go. Until then, the servers will be isolated and you can switch between them by doing /hub, /main, and /sv. What does this mean for the main server? Nothing! All the ranks and their perks are remaining the same. In fact, we have lifted the restriction on /item - which means you can spawn to your hearts content again! The main server will continue to be our primary focus, and will receive the most attention as always. Even so, for any players looking to try a more pure Minecraft experience (or just wanting to play uninterrupted survival with your friends), we encourage you to give our new server a whirl! Bungeecord? Yes! You can connect to either server straight from the other. There is no cross server chat or message capability at this time due to several issues that we found while doing so, including problems with Discord integration as well as other problems that took more away from the experience than anything. There will be a portal in the main server hub to the left of the Survival portal that will take you to Semi-Vanilla, and the hub server will have portals that lead to both servers. Additionally, forced hosts have been setup which will allow you to connect to any server via IP. The primary IP, or will take you to the main server, will take you to Network Hub, and will take you to the Semi-Vanilla server. Why all this? Why not just make the existing Survival mode be like this instead? A few reasons. The biggest reason is previous donators - several people have donated specifically for the advantageous perks like flying, itemspawn, and so on. Taking these perks away is, in our eyes, the same as basically stealing. People paid for their abilities and they deserve to keep them. Additionally, we felt that doing it this way would be better suited on its own server in order to bring in people who, say, don't want to be in a giant server with tons of stuff - but just want pure Survival. This gives people a way to get introduced to the community and eventually explore the other server on its own. What about advertising? Not much to say yet, but I am likely going to end up with a job by the end of the month - which could open a few doors. Can't wait to see you guys on the server! We hope you guys love it, and we're excited for the ever brighter future of CU!
  7. Alright, so as of recently there seems to have been some controversy about CU's donation perks. I have been told by a few people that I should remove and/or limit the use of /item, /fly, and /gamemode perks. My stance has been, and still is, to maintain the system exactly as set up by the old CU. This has worked just fine for the past almost 4 years, but this past week people have suddenly had an issue with it - enough where I feel a poll should be conducted regarding this as well as another idea that has been presented to me: a Semi-Vanilla server. Now, this idea is something I mentioned in the previous announcement as something I would not do, but this was in the concept of replacing the main server with such a server. The idea I am presenting now is to have this as a separate server entirely, likely BungeeCord-ed with the main server for easily going between the two. This server would have some basic stuff - /home, /me, CUEmotes, Residence, WorldGuard, Essentials, anticheat, and possibly a single donation rank with a few added perks (maybe) - but that's about it. Staff would have only the extra perks needed to effectively check grief and fix it, moderate, and so on, which excludes a lot of the typical stuff that can be seen as "extras", which means they can play legitimately right beside players. This idea is something that ND experimented with right before we merged with them originally, and it seemed to do well. This idea has been mentioned to me by a few people as well, and while I absolutely will never replace the primary server with this, I believe that setting it up and making it a reality would be both easy on the team and easy on our available server hardware. The poll presents various voting options for how these things should be handled, and get your guys' interests figured out. A couple things to note before we wrap up this topic though: On the 2nd question (the one regarding the perks directly and with the most choices), please PICK TWO - and ONLY two. If you do not pick two, your votes will be ignored entirely. Additionally, these votes do NOT guarantee that we will go in that direction (or not exactly specifically), this is meant to see where current user interest lies and doesn't automatically determine the exact direction we will go. Rather, the votes you make will be taken into consideration when we do decide. This doesn't mean that what the winning vote is won't happen, it just means that us (the CU Staff) ultimately reserve the choice to do what we feel is the best for the future of the community. Also, if you select "Other" for that 2nd question, make sure you give us your idea by replying! The cooldown that was mentioned in the first question was implemented today - it is 15 seconds per use of the command. More details on the update can be found here: Lastly, if you happen to be a donator of these ranks, we want your feedback especially, as everything that was suggested thus far was (mostly) from people who didn't wield these powers. We look forward to hearing your feedback, and we thank you for your interest and participation in helping make CU better!
  8. Some small changes have been applied to the MC server and website. * Restriction on use of /item - command can only be used every 15 seconds * Renamed main website navigation option: Arena Map Browser - renamed to Minigame Map Browser - Removed 'The Arena' block from Minecraft games page on main website - Removed 'Factions' block from Minecraft games page on main website - Removed 'The Arena' navigation item from main website - Removed 'Factions' navigation item from main website
  9. Today, we will be doing an all-day nostalgia playdate! We will be talking via TeamSpeak and playing on the Beta 1.7.3 server!
  10. An update has been applied to the MC server in order to do some housekeeping and add room for added features: + Added plugin: PvPToggle * /play (or using the Play item in the hub) no longer shows MobArena or Factions - Removed MobArena - Removed Factions - Removed Killerteddy
  11. So, just yesterday (or earlier today?) I made an announcement on Discord telling people that Factions would be removed in a week if it wasn't played. So far, I've had 0 people asking to keep it and several people asking for its removal - so that's what's happening today. After talking with @Windwhistle a bit last night, I came to the realization that having as many modes as we do may in a sense actually cause more issues. His suggestion was to remove every single gamemode except for Survival - something I am not willing to go through with (unless you guys want it), and while I find that to be very extreme, we are going to dial back our focus on minigames and whatnot and instead focus on the things that made CU great to begin with, primarily survival. Starting today, 2 modes are being removed from the server: Factions and The Arena. Let's go into more detail as to why. The biggest common reason is just that nobody touches it. If I go into any of the other 3 main gamemodes, it's clear that they are all played. From creative spawn, you can go outside and see tons of creations all over the place. Survival, too, has plenty of builds attached to the spawn itself, and more as you go further out. SkyBlock, you can see several islands from the spawn area. But when I go into the factions world, the only clear change from when it was created was a small wooden wall right on the edge of spawn: Additionally, there were only 2 factions that existed that had any members at all. The Arena also had this issue, plus the added bonus of being either outright broken.The original plan was to get a custom plugin to replace the pile of garbage one we had before, but that never happened. We hope to one day revisit the idea when we have more resources to work with (and maybe a paid dev or two), but for now it was just creating clutter. Now as a reminder, Factions can be readded - exactly as they were - if there is demand. It would take nothing more than a couple small config edits and a quick server restart to bring them both back. But, if the demand isn't there, they won't be returning. Now, for those of you with a craving for PvP, we have introduced a feature that some old CU folk should remember: /pvp. In either Survival or Skyblock, you can now do /pvp to enable or disable PVP. If you and another player want to PvP, you both just need to enable PvP. Below, you can read the full changelog for this server update (it's not that long). Be sure to give us your thoughts and feelings on these changes with a reply to the topic!
  12. Hey, folks! Since our December survey has been concluded, we are going to go over the results now. In total, 9 users participated in this survey. Thanks to all of you! If you submitted a survey and did not get a code, contact me and I will get your code. Survey Responses First off, let's talk about what modes you guys want to see. The top picks were Survival, Creative, SkyBlock, and Parkour. The top 4 picks are all core modes of CU, and have been present for a while now. Behind those, RPG, SkyWars, and MobArena were voted for. RPG is currently a project we have going on behind the scenes, and has been mentioned a few times before. We will keep you guys updated as that starts to come together. MobArena also made it in at the last minute for MC. SkyWars is something we've wanted to do for a while, but sadly we are having some trouble finding a proper plugin for it. That being said, we will keep you guys posted and we will continue to look into these. Of these, the big winners were mcMMO, Jobs, and random loot chests. So far, mcMMO and Jobs were both in, but loot chests weren't able to make it in (yet). We have some ideas, so stay tuned for that! Quests and /warp event both scored fairly well, both of these being ideas we want to explore in the future. Quests is an uncertain one due to an RPG server basically taking that role, but as with the chests - we have some ideas. /warp event is basically where periodically, the staff will host an event within the server (mostly in Survival) with some kind of award tied to it. These were common on old CU, but have fallen out of favor since 2014. We may end up looking into these however. Vanilla survival and an Auction house were both not really wanted (among those who voted). The overwhelming winner in this scenario was another modern MC server, though I think in retrospect I should have added a "no more servers" option. Followed closely behind was a modded server, with everything else falling in line behind that. We already have both of these, which seems to mirror the current server structure anyhow. Not much else on that. We got some fairly positive feedback on our Beta 1.7.3 server. Of those of you who played it, most of you rated it a 3 and a couple of you gave it a 5/5. A fair chunk of you didn't really vote on this (or just had no real opinion of it) due to not playing, but really, the point of that server isn't to bring in huge mountains of people anyways. Lots of love for Brink of Chaos! Most of you voted a 4 or a 5, but one of you voted 2 . I suspect this is largely due to the steep performance requirements of the pack, but I can't say for sure. Whoever voted for that, if I am incorrect with my assumption, do let me know why it is you voted the way you did! Generally, we had positive opinions on our main server. A lot of you voted 4 or 5, with a few of you giving it a 3. Honestly, for a server that was pre-relaunch, I was expecting worse. Good to see a lot of you guys are enjoying it! Now for the good stuff. This is an interesting one. Based on the chart above, you would think that TTT would be the winner. However, we held a similar poll on Discord of just this question, and we were met with different results. As you can see, CS:GO was actually the winner in this scenario, with TTT being at the very bottom. However, looking back at the original chart again, we also notice that CS:GO is split across 2 options, which if combined result in a 5 - which is above TTT. That being said, the results there are much closer than the total annihilation that CS:GO did to all the others on the Discord poll. In either case, we do actually have a CS:GO server now. You may recall back when the failed merge occurred, we had a CS:GO, ARK, and a couple other servers. When Elaztek started up, those servers got moved over to Elaztek. The CS:GO server as of now is basically a shared server between the two, which are on much better terms nowadays. You can play by connecting to The 3 big winners of this were story-driven games, puzzle games, and games that bring you to their knees with absurd difficulty. Behind that came power fantasies, then MMORPG's, and then everything else. The reason we asked this will become clearer as time goes on. You'll see. I had to edit this graph in Photoshop, because Google Forms decided to shove it into multiple pages - hence the 2nd page thing beneath the actual votes. The ones you see are the ones on the graph. Most of you picked that it didn't apply, or "I still play". Two of these are clearly trolls, so let's ignore those. Some said that you didn't have time to play games anymore - the sad truth. Life is that big thing that comes in the way of your game time and some people just don't have the time to play MC and invest hours and hours into building things anymore. Others said that they just got bored of Minecraft itself - and sadly, there isn't a whole lot we can do in this case either. If you are bored of MC itself, the core game, all we can do is offer other services and do different things to encourage you to remain within the community (which are continuing to make an effort to do). Others of you voted that you were just embarrassed to play a "kids" game. I understand feeling that way, but let me offer a thought - I am 18, many of our players are 16 and several are in their 20's. Other large servers are run by adults or at the very least people with mental maturity. On top of that, our community is very loose when it comes to adhering to any sort of PG-13 nonsense. So don't be embarrassed! If you want to play MC, don't let the opinions of others prevent you from doing that. For those of you who have seemed to find another server, the top reason was a variety in gamemodes. Behind that, it was a tie between there being more to do, someone who has some beef with the CU community for being "cancerous", and someone who seems to not be very fond of Alycat. We are always working on improving our selection of gamemodes - which, thus, leads to there being more to do. The issues with the community and with Aly, unfortunately, aren't issues that can exactly be "fixed". So I'm sorry that those of you who picked that feel that way. Not gonna lie, not a lot of useful stuff here. Ignoring the trolly/uncreative/funny stuff, there is one real suggestion among this. Map resets every 7 months - nice that you picked up on my love for the number 7, but even that can't really convince me of this. Our build team isn't exactly huge, and creating an entirely new set of spawns every 7 months just gets exhausting and just isn't feasible. Prizes for being on top of leaderboards is an interesting one, I like this. Parkour is something we already have - however we may do some "one time" maps for /warp event. Not sure what trivia is, nor do I know what you mean by "make factions better". Whoever suggested this, I would appreciate if you elaborated a bit, I am intrigued by what you may have in mind. Also, can I just ask: who in the world just put "Yes". You said yes, you had ideas - but you seem to have forgotten what the ideas are. ._. Anyways, I want to give a huge thank you to all of you who participated in the survey! While some of the feedback make take time to implement, it is never forgotten and it is always taken into consideration when we discuss what we want to do to expand and improve Chaotic United. Have a great day everyone! And remember to check out our MC server if you haven't for a while. We just relaunched at the very end of 2017 and so far 2018 has been incredible! We are continuing to expand and improve MC with each passing day. Also I had to re-do this entire post because somehow I managed to send the "back" command to my browser with some kind of obscure key combo or something, so that sucked. Anyways, have a good day everyone! - The Chaotic United Team
  13. Hey everybody. The time has come. Chaotic United has relaunched! Let's go over some of the big changes! No? Well, for those of you who have no interest in reading the post, check the info directly below. Below that is the actual post. MC.CHAOTICUNITED.NET 1.12.x Backwards compatiability still works, so you can still play on anything from 1.4.7 to 1.12.2, though it is NOT recommended. NEW GAMEMODES We have introduced MobArena! After being on the request list for a good while, we finally managed to introduce MobArena. To start off, we have 3 maps and we plan to expand and add more as time goes on. The first map is called Heat, a nether-themed map built by myself along with some help from @*-=(Jayden)=-*. The second map is called Ruin, which is a map built off the first CU revival survival spawn (2014) made by @AimWicked. The third map is a modified version of the survival spawn area from CU back in Beta 1.7.3 (2011, not our current beta 1.7.3 server). Additionally, we have introduced The Arena - a PvP-focused gamemode. Like MobArena, we have 3 maps to start with and we will be introducing more maps as time goes on. The first map is called Beaver Creek, which if you couldn't tell, is a map from Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 remade in Minecraft. It was built outside of CU and the original map can be found here. The second map is called Tomb, which is a map from MCUniverse that was formerly only referred to as Quake. It is a small map and is designed for close-quarters encounters. The third map is called Labrynth, which is derived from an old thing that @alycat built a long time ago, but better spaced out and better adapted for arena gameplay. The Arena is not complete. We plan to expand upon this mode as time goes on. We plan to introduce SurvivalGames, SkyWars, and other lesser-known modes, some of which will be exclusive to CU. PARKOUR UPDATES Our parkour plugin, NDParkour, has recieved some updates as well as having new maps added. The plugin itself now stores each player's checkpoints and remembers them, and will reject unlocking the same checkpoint twice. This was particularly an issue on larger, vertical maps that just went up and up. If you were to fall down and land on an older checkpoint, you were suddenly set back a huge margin. That will no longer happen anymore. Additionally, there is now an Easy, Normal, and Hard mode. Normal mode is how the plugin has operated in the past. Easy mode operates by allowing you to set a checkpoint at any location, but cuts your award down to 25% (1/4 or 0.25x, however you want to format it). Hard mode gives you 10x the award you normally would, but disables checkpoints entirely. In addition to the various changes that have been made to the plugin, we have a few new maps. You guessed it, 3 new maps. The first one is Oasis, a parkour map set within a mountain wall with a shallow pond of water. It was built by myself with the actual parkour layout being made by @*-=(Jayden)=-*. The second one is called Sandstorm, which is set within a desert. Once again, the main parkour layout was built by @*-=(Jayden)=-* with the map styled and prettified by me. The third map is a simpler map, called EndParkour, which has an End-style theme. It has a strange uniformity to it.You guessed it. @*-=(Jayden)=-* made the core map, with the map prettified by me. Additionally, an older map now known as MagmaParkour has finally been expanded upon. Instead of 3 short layers, the original vision for the course has been realized and it is a crazy tall course. It's also worth a fair chunk of cash, so keep that in mind too. WEBSITE UPDATES Our website has recieved a facelift. We wanted to keep it still fairly similar to the previous website and keep it familiar, but at the same time bring a noticeable facelift. You will notice some new animations as well as some updated page designs. The timeline page looks a lot better than ever before, and most of the website now works better on mobile. Mobile navigation is now a separate menu instead of an awkward emulation of the main navigation menu. The helpcenter index looks much better and now has individual icons for each page. Additionally, the icons are more obviously links. FORUMS UPDATES We have added some new features to the public on our forums. We are introducing Blogs for public use! As a regular user, you are able to create blogs and add entries to them as you desire. In the past we have been using Blogs internally for our update changelog. Now, you can manage your own, too! Additionally, we are now launching our Download center! Our vision for the download center is to foster an environment for content creators, inside and outside of Minecraft, to share their content and, eventually, be able to monetize them if desired. We are still working out the kinks in this system, and we will make an announcement later when we have more definite figures on it. THE FUTURE This update is not the final stage of the server. Now that we've finally launched, we will be working to test things better with you guys and expanding the content further, and here soon we will start our advertising campaign. All of us have been working pretty hard (the admins especially) and so we will be taking a little bit of a rest break in between now and then. We've worked very hard to help create a truly awesome experience, and to finally begin to push to a new frontier in the future of Chaotic United. Lastly, for those of you who submitted survey results thus far, you will be sent your crate key codes via Discord, or if that fails, via forums. We will be posting survey results soon! That's all for now folks. We want to thank all of you for sticking with us this far, and we hope you can stick with us going forward into the future. View Full Update Changelog The Chaotic United Team ----------------------------------- haloman30 alycat AwakenedRage 16dbaxter esponshadow1 Blizzardbball
  14. Short and sweet today folks! We are currently working on a modded MC server. Right now we are looking at four different modpacks. Just vote on which one you like best! FTB Trident: 104 Mods FTB Horizons: 131 Mods Tekkit Classic: 41 Brink of Chaos: 109 Mods
  15. Hey everyone! Another server poll today, also regarding a future mode/server. The last couple days, me and BlarFlargen have been doing some stuff with a Beta 1.7.3 server which later became a gamemode within the existing server. The issue is that the gamemode within our main server is not a true Beta 1.7.3 experience, however is a sort of blend between modern and classic MC. The poll here simply asks which you prefer more: an authentic Beta 1.7 server or a Beta 1.7-like gamemode? The standalone server will be true and authentic but will have the drawback of being cut off from the main server, and will also require players to /login and /register due to older Mojang auth servers being no more. This however does mean that cracked users are able to play (though I don't believe there are any left). Alternatively, we can have a gamemode within our current server. This will be close to Beta 1.7.3 and will utilize a custom plugin to generate old terrain (including FarLands) however will have the drawback of not being 100% true to the original gameplay. It is fairly close in that there is no hunger (it is locked at 6 to disable sprinting) and eating food regenerates health instantly. It's other benefit is that it is seamlessly tied into the existing server infrastructure and players can change to another mode as they desire. We cannot come to a conclusion internally so we figure it's best to let you guys decide! Cast your votes! And, if you haven't voted on our other poll, head here and check out the other poll involving new gamemodes coming to MC in the future as well as this one. Cheers!
  16. Hello everyone! Another community update! First up, NuclearDistrict has closed its TeamSpeak server. This is no surprise however, as ND announced their closure a short while ago. If you have no idea what I am talking about, see these topics: Topic 1 Topic 2. Fortunately, we had also been expecting it. A new TeamSpeak server is now online, and you can connect to it by using any CU-owned TeamSpeak IP's, the main one being It is effectively a 1:1 recreation of the ND TS server. Secondly, we are testing out a new feature that will be used across all CU websites, CometChat! This was used in the very early days of Chaotic United, and now it may be brought back. You can test it by checking this page: The way the page works is that it shows the CometChat bar (look on the bottom of the page) and uses an IFrame to show the forums. For those unaware, an IFrame is a sort of window into another page, and it can be used to browse the page as well. It can also be used to create infinite loops, but it can crash your browser. So don't try it. When using the page you will notice some strange things such as the page having a noticeable white border around it, and there being multiple scroll bars. This is simply because of the way an IFrame works, and it cannot be overcome. In a final implementation the CometChat bar would just be placed on a normal page without the other hiccups you see. Leave your thoughts on it as a reply to this topic, if reactions are positive then it will be integrated to the rest of the site/forums. Otherwise, it just won't be. Lastly, let's talk about the Minecrat server. We do still have some progress yet to be done, but it mostly comes down to building new spawns. But the relaunch is coming much closer and things are finally starting to fit together. Until then, feast your eyes on some screenshots!
  17. Hello, Everybody I'm AwakenedRage, Chaotic United's Server Technician. The Minecraft server has been successfully transfered to a new machine and now has a playercap of 200 players. Hourly Backup's are not properly setup as of right now and Survival Games are having issues. But neverless the server is up for testing! At 11:30AM Chaotic United's server will be going down for updates, and reconfiguration. During this time us Server Technicians will be manually be inputting all the information for plotme into a database for easier accessiablity.This mean's all passwords for login security will be reset and you will have to register once again. The following plugins will be transitioning to databases - Plot Me - Coreprotect - MCMMO - Residents - Prism - Votifier - Login Secuirty (Not recoverable) - Grief PreventioN Data - Hawkeye The amount of time is not clear as of right now, but the shoutbox will have any future updates regarding the maintenance. Lastly, If you notice that any of your data for MCMMO, or Plot me please contact a staff member here on the forums for assitance and a technician will change it in the database. Sincerely, AwakenedRage Server Technician
  18. My minecraft name is kiro. I can contribute to the server by building nice houses. Do not grief. Helping other players. I found out about this server from a friend.
  19. Guest

    New member.

    Minecraft Name: WThieves I can contribute by: I can pretty much do anything in minecraft, I can mine, build, farm and help, I can even make mods/texturepacks, I am familiar with bukkit/vanilla minecraft and servers/servermaking, also I can code Java, Php, and even a bit MySQL. I have already created some mods and adventuremaps in minecraft, find out more here. I found your server from: I googled for "Epic minecraft hamachi sever" and found you (stating "NO HAMACHI NEEDED").