* Updated CUBungee to 1.7.2
- Removed Killerteddy
Contains various information regarding fixes to the MC server, Forums, or other CU services.
* Updated CUBungee to 1.7.2
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added ]glist to #mc-chatlogs - used to display per-server player lists, similar to how ]list behaved previously
* Updated CUBungee to 1.7.1
* Fixed an issue where using ]list in #mc-chatlogs wouldn't display the maximum player count correctly
* Fixed an issue where Discord messages would not display mentions (users, roles, channels, emoji) correctly
* Fixed an issue where user mentions would not be formatted properly between Minecraft and Discord
- Removed Killerteddy
* Updated CUBungee to from 1.6.6 to 1.7.0
* Updated CUBungeeBukkitBridge from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8
* Discord chat integration is now handled via CUBungee
* Global chat is now handled via CUBungee
* SocialSpy now works cross-server
* Private messages are now handled via CUBungee
* Fixed an issue where /msg commands would sometimes run two separate commands simultaneously
* Fixed an issue where repeatable Autorank rewards were not having player times reset correctly upon calendar date changes
- Removed plugin: DiscordSRV
- Removed plugin: VentureChat
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where MC Beta 1.7.3 livemap was not accessible
- Removed Killerteddy
* Updated Vanilla to MC 1.21.3
* Minimum MC version is now 1.21.3
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added Sigmund vendor (blacksmith) to Survival spawn
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where spawned items would lose their spawned status when smelted
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added Cactus to SkyBlock shop
* Users can now buy/sell in stacks from ChestShops in SkyBlock
- Removed Killerteddy
* Creative plots now have an entity cap of 100 per plot
* Creative plots now have a vehicle (boats, minecarts, etc) cap of 20 per plot
- Players can no longer modify entity-cap or vehicle-cap flags within their plot
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added Clay and Coal to SkyBlock shop
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added Name Tags, Slimeballs, and Allay Spawn Eggs to SkyBlock shop
* Fixed Netherite Upgrade template not being purchasable in SkyBlock shop
- Removed Killerteddy
This changelog includes changes from 11/9/2024
* Updated CUCraftingPlus to 1.3.23
* Updated CUItemSpawn to 2.0.5
* Fixed an issue where perks toggle state could sometimes not be saved in the event of a server crash
* Fixed an issue where custom blocks with instance information (Note Blocks, XP Extractors) could have their instance information lost during restarts/reloads
* Durite Temples are now more rare in The End in Survival (changed from 1/500 to 1/900)
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed Potato, Glow Berries, and Sweet Berries not being able to be purchased/sold in SkyBlock shop
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added plugin to all servers: ViaVersion
+ Added plugin to SkyBlock: ChestShop
+ Added plugin to SkyBlock: WorldGuardExtraFlags
+ Added new SkyBlock spawn
+ Added the following items to SkyBlock shop: Snow Block, Pointed Dripstone, Dripstone Block, Potato, Glow Berries, Sweet Berries, Leather, Rabbit Hide, Feather, Turtle Scute, Egg, Bone, Gunpowder, String, Rotten Flesh, Arrow, Crimson Nylium, Warped Nylium, Turtle Egg
+ Added Community Chest to SkyBlock
+ Added new Vote Crates to SkyBlock: Mythic, Monster, Animal, Pets, Builder's, Resource
* Server now supports MC 1.21.1 through 1.21.3
- Removed 'sv' from bungeecord config
- Removed Killerteddy
* Updated Custom Ore Generator to development build #83
- Removed Killerteddy
* Moved Zombie Horse spawn egg from Mythic Crate to Animals Crate
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where Killerteddy1 boss phases would sometimes overlap and/or stop running
- Removed Killerteddy
This changelog includes changes from several days prior to the posted date.
+ Added Block of Durite to Mythic Crate
* Commands can no longer be used while engaging in dialogue
* Parkour course 'endparkour' no longer has any reward (used to be 3 Tokens)
* Donators and above now have access to /emote (old CUEmotes command)
* Fixed an issue where GUIs could automatically close while talking to an NPC
* Fixed an issue where ChestShop shop owners could not break their own shop signs
* Fixed an issue where fly and walk speed was not saved/restored when toggling perks in Survival
* Fixed an issue where right-clicking on crates would open them as a normal Ender Chest, rather than informing players that they required a crate key
- Removed Mangrove Log x64, Crimson Stem x64, Warped Stem x64, and Block of Bamboo x64 from Resource Crate
- Removed Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg from Mythic Crate (can now be found in Pets Crate)
- Removed Killerteddy
* Updated CURPG from 1.0.1 to 2.0.1
* Updated PlayerMounts from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5
* Overhauled NPC dialogue system
* Fixed an issue where PlayerMounts would attempt to mount NPCs
- Removed Killerteddy
This changelog includes changes from up to 3 weeks prior to the posted date.
+ Added /perksinfo command - Used to display information about perks toggle
* Fixed an issue where users could not use /bugreport
* Fixed an issue where Cherry Log and Cherry Wood could not be veinmined with VeinMiner enabled
* Fixed an issue where Death Chest opening and removal sounds could be heard from extremely far distances
* Fixed an issue where users with perks enabled would have their username displayed without color in tab list
* Fixed an issue where bed locations would sometimes be lost when toggling perks in Survival
* Fixed an issue where Bounties were not usable in Survival
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where flying state was not properly changed when toggling perks in Survival
* Fixed an issue where godmode was not properly changed when toggling perks in Survival
* Fixed an issue where mobgod was not properly changed when toggling perks in Survival
* Fixed an issue where Retired would be able to use veinminer with perks disabled in Survival
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where non-solid custom blocks could be have another block placed in the same position
* Fixed an issue where perks toggle would error out if the player had invalid home locations set
- Removed Killerteddy
* Updated CUPackage to 1.3.6
* Updated CUCraftingPlus to 1.3.21
* Updated PermissionsEx to 1.25.1-CU
* Teddy will now no longer drop loot if any players have perks enabled
* All items (besides Shulker Boxes) can now be stored within Player Vaults
* Moved economy toplist hologram upwards slightly in Survival spawn
* Donator rank disclaimer message added to Vaults hologram in Survival spawn
* VIP and above can once again use /back to return to their death point in Survival (perks required)
* CUCraftingPlus no longer utilizes Mining Fatigue to handle block break speed - instead, the plugin makes use of the block_break_speed attribute, allowing effects like Mining Fatigue to work properly again
* PermissionsEx now stores user data in a separate file (users.yml) in order to allow for editing of groups directly without risking altering user groups or permissions unintentionally
* Fixed an issue where nicknames could sometimes not appear in chat
* Fixed an issue where crate keys obtained with perks enabled would not be usable
* Fixed an issue where CratesPlus would print an error to console anytime a player opened a chest
* Fixed an issue where Death Chests could place within WorldGuard regions or GriefPrevention claims
* Fixed an issue where players with Death Chest permissions could not use /deathchest claim
* Fixed an issue where custom blocks could sometimes be broken with an Axe, even when the block is not intended to be broken with one
* Fixed an issue where Durite tools with extra-break would still be damaged when used in Creative mode
* Fixed an issue where /tpaccept could not be used if the destination server was blocked, even when accepting a /tpahere request
* Fixed an issue where /tpo and /tpohere would not always ignore blocked source/destination servers
* Fixed an issue where /tpahere requests could not be sent to players in blocked destination servers
* Fixed an issue where /tpahere requests could be sent from players in blocked destination servers
* Fixed an issue where /fly would be disabled in Survival upon leaving/rejoining or switching servers
* Fixed an issue where ItemJoin would display an error message when switching to Hub (cu)
* Fixed an issue where Moderators and above would have their inventory contents kept upon death in Vanilla
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed permissions for several legacy pages and databases
* Fixed several broken legacy image URLs
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where online players were not displayed in Vanilla livemap
* Fixed several legacy staff-only pages not functioning properly
- Removed Semi-Vanilla from Livemap server selection
- Removed Killerteddy
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