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Suggestions Tracker

Got a neat idea? Tell us about it!
    1. Minecraft Server Suggestions

      Got a suggestion for our Minecraft server? Post it here!
    2. MC Beta 1.7.3 Suggestions

      Any suggestions for our Beta 1.7.3 server should go here.
      • No suggestions here yet
    3. Age of Rebirth Suggestions

      Suggestions for our Modded MC server should go here.
      • No suggestions here yet
    4. Website/Forums Suggestions

      Suggestions for our website and/or forums should go here.
      • No suggestions here yet
    5. Discord Suggestions

      Suggestions for our Discord server should go here.
      • No suggestions here yet
    6. Other Suggestions

      If you have a suggestion for another service that doesn't fit into the above categories, post it here.
  • Status Definitions

    Pending = We have not yet reviewed the suggestion.

    Under Review = We are currently reviewing the suggestion. Check the suggestion's comments for updates from the team.

    Accepted = We've approved the suggestion and it has either been implemented already or will be at a later date.

    Rejected = The suggestion has been rejected. Check the comments section for more information.

    Closed = The suggestion has been closed with no explicit acceptance or rejection. Check the comments section for more information.


    Please do not post duplicate suggestions.