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Meet the Team
These are the people that help keep Chaotic United running smoothly. They're the ones who keep the peace, and carve the path towards the future.
Haloman30 has been the owner of Chaotic United since September of 2014, and first joined Chaotic United in January 2012. He does a little bit (or a lot) of everything - from website design, writing announcements, developing plugins, and building things on the Minecraft server.
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Alycat joined Chaotic United in 2012, and has been an Owner since 2014. She has a hand in many high-level decisions, and has contributed several builds on the MC server as well. She is also the founder of United AlyCraft (UAC), another Minecraft server and community which operated until becoming part of Chaotic United.
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AwakenedRage, known commonly as simply "Michael", has been involved in Chaotic United since late 2014. He initially contributed by hosting our Minecraft server. He continues to serve an administrative role by assisting where needed with server management, and contributing in key decision making.
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Atomicbeast101, often referred to as Nuke or Adam, joined Chaotic United in 2012. He climbed the ranks until becoming an Administrator of the old Chaotic United. He also founded Nuclear District in 2014 and continued to run it until 2016. Today, he serves a mostly advisory role to the current Chaotic United administration.
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Baxman, known commonly as 16dbaxter, has been a member of Chaotic United since 2012 (?). He served as a Moderator during the old Chaotic United, and as an Administrator during the early days of Nuclear District. He later came to the new Chaotic United as both a Moderator and Administrator. Today, he serves as an Advisor - giving input on staff decisions when needed.
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Cabbage_Games, also known as Cabbageguy or simply "Cabbage", joined Chaotic United in 2012. He first joined the team as a Helper, and eventually climbed up to Moderator - which he served as until 2024, when he stepped down - at which point he was made one of our Advisors.
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Z0mbieslayer2013, often referred to as Zombie, was first part of Nuclear District in 2014. He later left for a time, until returning in 2020. Due to his helpful nature and activity, he very quickly earned a position as a Moderator - which he still serves as today.
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MILKANDOREOS, also known as Sam or simply 'Milk', has been a member of Chaotic United since 2019. He is among the first true members of Chaotic United's build team. Today, he serves as both a member of our Build team and as a Moderator.
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Renera first joined Chaotic United in 2020, and joined the build team around the same time as Milk. She has contributed a number of builds to the server and often works with Milk on projects.
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TheHumanMachine_YT, also known as JupiterGalaxy700 or simply 'Jupiter', first joined Chaotic United in 2019 - initially seeking our Beta 1.7.3 server. From there, he became active on our Main MC server and gradually worked up towards Creator - until becoming a Helper in 2024.