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Found 6 results

  1. Hey, everyone - we've got an exciting announcement for those of you who play (or wish to play) on our Beta 1.7.3 server! The registration requirement has been removed - all users now default to Member! If you logged in previously and find yourself in the old Guest spawn, just do /spawn to start playing! If you happen to experience any grief, be sure to let a Moderator or above know as soon as possible so we can get it rolled back - we've got proper backup and rollback plugins in place now, ensuring that any damage done by griefers can be properly rolled back. For those of you curious as to why we had this system in place - and why it took so long to finally deal with it, keep reading. Otherwise, feel free to stop here and hop on the server! We had initially implemented this system due to repeated griefs that kept happening on our Beta 1.7.3 server. This normally wouldn't be a big deal - in theory, undoing the damage would be as simple as rolling things back. Unfortunately, the plugin we were using for rollback, HawkEye, was having a great deal of trouble - and would often fail to roll things back properly. As such, virtually every rollback had to be done, at least in part, by hand. Eventually, we decided to implement forced registration as a temporary stop-gap, to limit grief damage going forward. This was supposed to be a relatively brief solution, while we sought out a replacement rollback plugin. At the time, it seemed that the best option would've been LogBlock - but we were unable to locate a compatible version for Beta 1.7.3. As such, we left the registration system in place for a while yet. Recently, however, we decided to look again - and while we did locate a proper jar for LogBlock, it wasn't able to connect to our database server. Despite this, we now at least know a version of the plugin that could work - and as a result, we were able to locate the original source code, get it patched up to work with our database server, and get it running. Along with this, we've recently implemented daily backups - adding another layer of protection to the server. As such, we feel confident now that we can, at long last, lift this admittedly awful system from the server. It's hard to say what this system has cost us in terms of getting folks to stick around - but hey, better late than never, right? At any rate - if you're looking to hop on, you can do so now at - no registration necessary!
  2. Hey, everyone! I think we're due for some updates as the holidays approach! New Hub First up - fitting with the holidays, we've introduced a brand new hub! That's right - not just a modified version of our current hub for the holidays, but a brand new hub. Not only that, but this new hub will continue to be in service after the holidays (with less snow and ice of course). After years of basically the same hub with minor tweaks, and continuously growing hubs, we wanted to take a step back and make a smaller, cozier hub. Along with that, we wanted to echo back to the earlier days of CU with the design - which is why the hub is once more in a biosphere. You old bois might remember that several old CU spawns were located in biospheres. We figure that such a design is fitting for a return to smaller spawns. They were dropped with the introduction of "MegaSpawn" - which was the sort of codename for the large spawn that was a mashup of a bunch of old CU and ND spawns. If you aren't able to hop on, enjoy a few screenshots of the new hub: CUAuctions Here soon, we plan to introduce a custom-coded Auctions plugin for use in Survival and SkyBlock! Auctions are a fun way to sell specific items in a bidding war! Our original plan was to find an already available auctioning plugin, but it seems that most modern auction plugins take an "eBay-like" approach, where you essentially post a listing for an item, rather than the traditional "Player has started an auction! Do /bid to bid!" type of auction. So - we'll be handling that ourselves. We don't have a release date for it set, but expect it to show up before the end of the year (unless things go horribly wrong). Status of Modded MC and Beta 1.7.3 Both Modded MC as well as Beta 1.7.3 have been neglected pretty heavily for a long time. If you haven't been keeping up on our Discord, you'll no doubt have already heard that we've been working on a new modpack to act as a successor to Brink of Chaos in order to revitalize our Modded MC offering. Brink of Chaos has been a fairly disorganized mess since its inception - in terms of mod list, server features, and even versioning. For those of you who haven't kept up with the changelogs, the versions basically jumped from 1.0.0 to 1.7.0 with absolutely nothing in between. Why is that? No idea. Apparently they were all internal testing builds? You'll have to ask the haloman30 of the past on that one. With the new modpack (whose name we're keeping secret for now), we plan to refine and redefine Brink of Chaos' goals. The initial release will essentially be an optimized and more streamlined version of what Brink of Chaos offered, acting as a foundation for the future. Fun fact - we offer a MC Beta 1.7.3 server! You may or may not have known that since we've given it next to no love and care until very recently. Originally the plan was to have it sit untouched as just "a thing that exists", similar to TeamSpeak - and while we aren't gonna be investing quite the same amount of effort into it compared to our other services, we do want to help it have a level of quality. For instance - the spawn. The previous spawn for Beta 1.7.3 was abysmal. It was trying to sort of emulate the spawn of old CU's Beta 1.7.3 spawn, except it was worse in basically every way. The new spawn actually looks halfway decent - through abandoning the original idea of making things look "from the era". Part of why the old spawn was so plain and boring is because it was built partially with the design styles that people used in the past. Which, while it can yield some good results, this wasn't it chief. The new spawn is a major overhaul - and with that new spawn, comes a brand new world on a brand new seed. The original seed was just the famous gargamel seed (though not as famous as the likes of Glacier). This new seed is a custom seed, chosen based on a community seed suggestion we did on Discord a little while back. We can't disclose the seed for obvious reason - can't have people using tools to find goodies offline! We'll be doing more stuff to Beta 1.7.3 as well, stay tuned for more details on that in the coming weeks/months/however long. A Note Regarding Minecraft/Server Exploits Something that was previously neglected from our rules (I could've sworn it was there at some point) but has technically always been a rule is regarding exploits. As a general rule, they are not allowed. If you're using something that utilized a glitch or bug in the behavior of a plugin, Bukkit, or Minecraft itself - you'll receive a warning, jail, or a ban outright depending on the severity. As an added note, since I've had some people bring up this as a defense, something being possible in vanilla Minecraft has not, and will never be a deciding factor in whether or not something is or isn't allowed. Mind you, on old CU back in 2012, you could get banned on the spot for using a piston glitch to convert stone bricks into mossy, cracked, or chiseled stone bricks (called "circle stone" at the time ). I don't plan or want to go that far, but the general sentiment still remains. Don't try and break the game to gain an advantage - you'll have to face the consequences if you do. Update Notes Before we close off, I'd like to remind everyone that we have a blog for changelogs for the website, forums, and servers! Anytime we make a change or fix to anything in the community, an entry is posted in our Update Notes blog. Sometimes these things get an announcement, but usually they don't. For example, here's a few of the noteworthy changes you might have missed out on: Nuclear District Topic Polls - Previously, all topics from the Nuclear District forums that had polls showed a random and irrelevant poll. I went through some local archives I took before ND closed to re-create the poll data by hand and point the old topics towards it. Not all topics got their polls back, but some is better than none, right? Part of an update on 11/9/2019 - Click here to read more Award Updates - A handful of awards got their icons and descriptions updated, along with having a lot of members get their awards issued to them. Part of an update on 11/8/2019 - Click here to read more /sit and Weather/Time Price Cuts - The prices for weather and time signs in Survival got cut down to $125 instead of $500, and /sit has been added to allow you to sit anywhere! (Chairs still work however) Part of an update on 11/13/2019 - Click here to read more Status Updates Block Redesign - A forums plugin has been added to make the Status Updates sidebar block function more closely to how it did back in the IP.Board 3.x days - which is arguably better Part of an update on 11/9/2019 - Click here to read more If you don't want to miss any changes, be sure to hit the follow button on the blog page! You'll get notified any time we publish a changelog. Additionally, those changelogs send a notification to #forums-feed on our Discord server - so you can keep an eye on them there, too.
  3. Today, we will be doing an all-day nostalgia playdate! We will be talking via TeamSpeak and playing on the Beta 1.7.3 server!
  4. Hey everyone! Something that has sort of been an experiment of sorts for a while is now finally being released to the public - CU's Beta 1.7.3 server! "Do what? A beta 1.7.3 server? Y tho" - You see, for so long, I have seen many of these Beta 1.7.3 servers pop up for a bit, then a month or two later, they are gone - never to be seen again. I discussed this on a recent livestream, but allow me to reiterate some of my thinking here. What I think happens is that when someone creates one of these servers, it is all done out of sheer nostalgic feelings - feelings that don't last. They whip something up quickly on their home PC, post an IP on MinecraftForums or PMC, and play for a bit until they get bored or tired of doing it, and then bam. That's the end of it. I have opted to bring this server to life to counter that, and to give those seeking some nostalgia a place to go. As time goes forward, and as our main server expands and grows, this server will continue to be left as it is for those times when someone just wants to play old MC online. Even if that time is short, we will be here for that brief period. Enough banter, what's the server like? The server, being on an older MC version, is a fairly simple server. It is aimed to recreate the old days of MC survival in its purest form. There are some enhancements, however. ChestShop and an Economy system are in place to add just a little bit of spiff to the experience. In addition, there are several ranks on the server. Member, Advanced, and VIP. You can find out more about those ranks and the staff ranks here. How can I join? You can join the server by going into the launcher, setting your game version to old-beta 1.7.3, and connecting to CU Launcher That's right folks! We have developed our own in-house cracked launcher. It is fully capable as a Minecraft launcher, but there are a couple things you should know. Premium authentication is not currently supported Using this launcher will clear your existing login data in the official launcher. Again - do not use this launcher if you are Premium. These are all things that we plan to fix for the official release. As the topic title suggests, this is an open beta test. There may be bugs and other issues. If you find any issues, report them to us immediately. You can grab the launcher here:
  5. [Donate via MCMarket] [Griefer] - This group is used for minor grief offenses. You will be unable to break or place blocks and will have to make an appeal. [Member] - This is the default rank upon joining. /bal - Check your balance /bal <username> - Check the balance of others /baltop - See the economy toplist /pay - Pay other players with ingame currency /ignore - Hide chat from other users /tpa & /tpaccept - Teleport to other users /tpahere - Request other users to teleport to you Create and use chest shops /mail - Send and receive mail Post URL's in chat /suicide - Take your own life /rules - View ingame rules /motd - View ingame MOTD /spawn - Teleport to spawn /home - Create, delete, and teleport to homes /warp - Warp to server warp locations /kit tools - Get access to free starting items Unlimited LWC chest protection /sell - Sell the item in your hand for the price in /worth /worth - See the default monetary value /list - See all online players /afk - Set yourself as AFK /msg - Send messages to other users /help - View ingame help [Advanced] - Given upon donating for Donator on the main server (5$) All permissions from Member /me - Access to /me emote /repair - Repair your failing tools /nick - Change your nickname in chat! /back - Return to your death point upon dying Fly mod permission - You will be allowed to use zombe flymod in survival [VIP] - Given upon donating for Platinum on the main server (25$) All permissions from Member and Advanced /heal - Heal yourself when you are hurt /god - Become immune to damage /item - Spawn items /spawnmob - Spawn most mobs anywhere, at will [Helper] - Given by the Owner/Managers Helpers assist the server by managing tickets, and helping the noobs get around. [Moderator] - Given by the Owner/Managers Moderators are the ones who keep everyone in line. [Mod+] - Given by the Owner/Managers This rank is given to Moderators who have been proven trustworthy. These Moderators usually do a little bit more than moderate, but don't do any major management on the server. [Manager] - Given by the Owner These guys manage the server in many ways. Either via interaction to the server console or files, or physical access to the server, or providing other elements that Chaotic United would be dead without. Respect them. They deserve it. These people truly earned their title. [Owner] - Reserved for Haloman30 and Alycat This rank is for the current owner of Chaotic United, Halo. Starting September 2014, Chaotic United was slowly restructured. As time went on, a solid foundation was laid for the new and improved CU. Despite attempts of DDoS attacks and further actions to try and halt this, Chaotic United has returned and continues to grow to this day. [Founder] - Reserved for Killerteddy1 This is the founder and creator of Chaotic United. Despite things he did to help kill CU, he still contributed to the legacy and neither ND nor CU would exist today without the work that he did.
  6. Hey everyone! Another server poll today, also regarding a future mode/server. The last couple days, me and BlarFlargen have been doing some stuff with a Beta 1.7.3 server which later became a gamemode within the existing server. The issue is that the gamemode within our main server is not a true Beta 1.7.3 experience, however is a sort of blend between modern and classic MC. The poll here simply asks which you prefer more: an authentic Beta 1.7 server or a Beta 1.7-like gamemode? The standalone server will be true and authentic but will have the drawback of being cut off from the main server, and will also require players to /login and /register due to older Mojang auth servers being no more. This however does mean that cracked users are able to play (though I don't believe there are any left). Alternatively, we can have a gamemode within our current server. This will be close to Beta 1.7.3 and will utilize a custom plugin to generate old terrain (including FarLands) however will have the drawback of not being 100% true to the original gameplay. It is fairly close in that there is no hunger (it is locked at 6 to disable sprinting) and eating food regenerates health instantly. It's other benefit is that it is seamlessly tied into the existing server infrastructure and players can change to another mode as they desire. We cannot come to a conclusion internally so we figure it's best to let you guys decide! Cast your votes! And, if you haven't voted on our other poll, head here and check out the other poll involving new gamemodes coming to MC in the future as well as this one. Cheers!