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Please note that while these rules are considered to be an exhaustive list, there may be edge cases that we simply cannot account for that will result in punishment. For the good-willed user, this will never be a problem for you. For trolls and other people doing purposefully disrespectful or harmful behavior, the argument that "it's not technically against the rules" will not apply. We reserve the right to take action on any user's account for any reason, even if that reason isn't specifically listed here. The general sentiment - be respectful, be ethical, and use common sense.
Catch someone violating these guidelines? Let us know by submitting a report. If you'd like to keep your report private, you may also PM a staff member on the Forums or Discord. If you see a staff member violating our guidelines, contact haloman30 immediately via PM.
Community-Wide Rules
The following rules apply to all areas of our community - including our Forums, Discord, and gameservers. These guidelines apply in addition to any service-specific guidelines listed below.
- Do not advertise other communities or servers - Advertising or promoting other competing communities (including posting names, links, IP addresses, etc.) is not allowed, and doing so will typically result in a permanent suspension. Discussion of communities which are no longer online, other "commonly known" communities (such as Hypixel, Mineplex, etc.), or of communities that have ties with Chaotic United (such as Nuclear District, WindFrontier, Hurricane Craft, Chaotic Reborn, etc.) is allowed, however.
- Reputation abuse - Do not abuse reputation. Abusing reputation would be asking for reputation or mass adding reputation to users. You will receive a 50% warning level.
- No cyber bullying allowed in the community - Includes forums and gaming services. You will receive a 50% warning level if done so.
- No attacking or flaming players & staff members - You will also receive a 50% warning level if done so.
- Do not hack, compromise, exploit, or deface the community - Hacking, exploiting, or otherwise compromising or defacing the community (or attempting to do so) will result in an immediate and permanent suspension from Chaotic United and all related services.
- Do not threaten the server - Do not discuss or conspire to have the server attacked by a DDoS or any other forum of unwanted or malicious attack.
- Do not create or bring drama into the community - We understand that interpersonal conflicts will happen from time to time, and are unavoidable. However, in order to maintain a happy and healthy community, keep these conflicts and other drama out of the public eye.
- No leaking of personal information - Leaking personal information (such as real-life names, addresses, photos, etc.) without permission is not allowed. Doing so will result in a 90% warning level on first offense. Repeat offenders will be permanently suspended.
- Do not speak languages besides English - Our community is primarily an English-speaking community. In order for our staff to effectively moderate, all discussion must be in English.
- Do not leak confidential chat logs, screenshots, or other content - Private or otherwise sensitive content must not be leaked to the public or to others besides those with access to it directly. You may share this type of information with CU's administration team if it is something that you believe we should know about.
- Respect everyone - You are not expected to like everyone, but this does not mean you can use offensive language or harass others.
- No duplicate or offensive usernames - Having the same or too similar nickname or username as someone else, or having an inappropriate username will not be allowed. Your user/nickname should represent you and not be mock another person. Something like "wolfbitez" compared to "ShadowWolf" are okay, but something like "haloman30" compared to "haloreach30" is not allowed.
- No racial or discriminatory language - Do not behave in a racist manner or otherwise discriminate against other genders, races, sexual preference, etc.
- Handle sensitive topics properly, and do so in the proper places - While we try to allow for any type of discussion to take place within the community, when it comes sensitive or divisive topics (such as politics, religion, or otherwise uncomfortable topics), keep it civil - and keep it in the proper places. In general, sensitive subjects should be avoided from public gameserver chats, and should be kept to the appropriate text channels on Discord. When discussing such topics in a voice channel on Discord, use the channel status feature to indicate that a sensitive subject is being discussed. When discussing sensitive subjects in a forum topic, properly indicate this in the topic title, such as with a Trigger Warning prefix.
- Avoid "toxic" behavior - We want to create a community that is welcoming and inviting to anyone and everyone. As such, users that repeatedly engage in toxic behavior (for instance: attacking others, being excessively hostile or antagonistic to others, encouraging others to violate the rules, etc.) may be permanently banned from the community.
Minecraft Server Rules
- Do not grief - This is the act of causing grief to other players by destroying blocks placed or owned by other players. You may destroy other blocks if it is faction related.
- Do not spam - Repeatedly sending messages in a short time frame is not allowed.
- Do not ask for items - Asking staff or someone with spawning capabilities for items is annoying and not allowed.
- Do not try to lag the server - Mass redstone doors, minecart loops, and other redstone devices that lag the server or annoy its players are not allowed.
- No cheats/hacks/zombe packs - Cheating or hacking on the server to give yourself an unfair advantage is not tolerated. This includes but is not limited to speed hacking, X-Ray hacking, and fly hacking just to name a few. Zombe fly and speed (or the use of a similar mod which provides this functionality) are allowed if you have donated for /fly and /speed, however.
- Do not distribute or sell spawned items to other members - If you are a premium member, do not give away or sell items that you have spawned to other players. This will lead to your item spawning privileges being revoked.
- Do not teleport or disconnect to avoid a PvP encounter.
- Do not use exploits - Exploiting glitches, either with the server or Minecraft itself is not allowed.
- Bypassing AFK is not allowed - Utilizing mob farms or other means to bypass the server's AFK checks is not allowed. Doing so may result in your playtime (and/or any rewards obtained through playtime) being removed, and being prohibited from earning these in the future.
- Do not sell XP obtained from any sort of mob farm - Selling XP from a mob farm in any form, be it the use of /xpsell or converting them into XP Bottles and selling those, is not allowed.
Valheim Server Rules
- Do not grief - This is the act of causing grief to other players by destroying structures placed or owned by other players.
- No cheats/hacks - Cheating or hacking on the server to give yourself an unfair advantage is not tolerated.
- Do not teleport or disconnect to avoid a PvP encounter.
- Do not threaten the server - Do not discuss or conspire to have the server attacked by a DDoS or any other forum of unwanted or malicious attack.
- Character names must be server-appropriate - Ensure that your character's name does not contain any racist or otherwise offensive language.
- Do not join the server with a character that has spawned items or cheated stats - Keep the spawning and stat modifications to singleplayer. You cannot play on the server with a modified character.
TeamSpeak Server Rules
- No spamming allowed - Spamming in text chat, voice, and repeatedly poking users is not allowed.
- Do not repeatedly/rapidly change voice channels - This becomes annoying quickly. Doing so may result in being kicked from the server.
- Keep temporary channel names appropriate.
Discord Server Rules
- No spamming allowed - Do not spam messages of any type. This includes mass-pinging, and excessive use of soundboards.
- No NSFW Content is allowed outside of #nsfw - Discussion of mature topics is allowed, but do not post any NSFW images, videos, or links outside of the #nsfw channel.
- No excessively loud audio/ear rape - Excessively loud audio/ear rape is unpleasant and, in some cases, can cause hearing damage or hearing loss to others. Doing so may result in a mute or kick.
- Do not repeatedly/rapidly change voice channels - This becomes annoying quickly. Doing so may result in being kicked from the server.
- No unsolicited recording of voice chat - Do not record voice chat unless all users in the chat don't have a problem with it. Violation of this will result in a permanent suspension.
- Limit posting of memes outside of #memes - While posting a meme here and there in other channels is generally acceptable, posting many memes back-to-back should be kept to the #memes channel. Large numbers of memes posted elsewhere will result in these being removed.
Warning Levels
- 50% - Suspend posting privileges for 1 Day(s)
- 60% - Suspend posting privileges for 3 Day(s)
- 70% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 1 Day(s)
- 80% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 3 Day(s)
- 90% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 1 Week(s)
- 100% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 1 Months(s)
Rules are subject to change without prior notice, though we will often announce if there's any changes to the rules. Our advice is to check forums or Discord often for any updates/changes.
Last Updated: 9/9/2024 7:08 PM CDT