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Services & Projects
Details about all past and present projects by Chaotic United.
Minecraft Server
The new Minecraft server created during Chaotic United's reboot has been in operation since its creation. It was originally started under the name 'Chaotic District', until the decision was made to bring back the Chaotic United name. It has always had a focus on offering a wide selection of gamemodes, and since 2021 has begun focusing further on custom content and other more unique features.
Service Lifetime
TeamSpeak 3
In 2015, Chaotic United launched its TeamSpeak 3 server. The service was briefly replaced with Mumble, but returned to TeamSpeak later on. The server was dropped from mainstream support in 2016 with the migration to Discord, but remains online to this day.
Service Lifetime
While Nuclear District was undergoing its closure, the remaining adminstration of ND prepared a Discord server called NARA. Chaotic United followed suit, and has operated its Discord server since 2016.
Service Lifetime
Minecraft Modded - Age of Rebirth
Age of Rebirth is a custom modpack, created as a successor/sequel to the Brink of Chaos modpack. It has a focus on sci-fi and technology, though also includes mods for world generation, decorations, and so on.
Service Lifetime
Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Server
The Beta 1.7.3 server was introduced in 2016, due to a lack of 24/7 Beta 1.7.3 servers. While it isn't a primary focus, it has been a supported service since its inception.