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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/07/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 years, 8 months. Hope everything is still going well! -- 66boik99
    1 point
  2. This changelog includes changes from the previous several days. * Updated CUCraftingPlus to 1.3.18 * Fixed an issue where Observers would not detect Note Block state changes properly * Restored normal, non-April-fools hub - Removed some personal signs from Semi-Vanilla spawn - Removed Killerteddy
    1 point
  3. I didn’t even notice, most content on the website is redundant when you have a discord
    1 point

    Im lonely *dab*

    Im lonely *dab*
    1 point
  5. Fuck cancer. Rest easy technoblade
    1 point
  6. LKComputes


    this fuckin sucked it broke my xbox and my wife left me karen please i want to see the kids
    1 point