* Updated OpenComputers from to
- Removed Killerteddy
Update notes for the Age of Rebirth modpack.
* Updated OpenComputers from to
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added mod: OpenFM
* Ink sac can now be crafted from Midnight Black dye, as squid spawning is bugged and is extremely rare
- Removed Killerteddy
- Disabled mod: SoundFilters (as it was deemed to cause too much reverb in too many scenarios, can still be enabled by removing the .disabled extension from the mod file)
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added mod: GalacticraftCore
+ Added mod: GalacticraftPlanets
+ Added mod: MicdoodleCore
+ Added mod: ExtraPlanets
+ Added mod: Disenchanter
+ Added mod: Iron Furnaces
+ Added mod: Ender IO
+ Added mod: Sound Filters
+ Added mod: Cosmetic Armor Reworked
+ Added mod: Nether Portal Fix
* NEI will now be set to Recipe Mode by default
* Changed IC2 Nuke explosion power from 60 to 0 (Server only)
* Changed IC2 Nuclear Reactor explosion power from 45 (Server only)
* Disabled IC2 Nuke in IC2 config to 0 (Server only)
* Fixed an issue where returning from a Nether portal would sometimes result in being sent to a different location than where the player entered
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added mod: Gravity Gun
+ Added mod: PneumaticCraft
+ Added recipe for Cloaker Goggles
* Updated OptiFine from HD_U_C1 to HD_U_E7
* Server: Unbanned chunk loaders
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added mod: Item Physic Lite
+ Added mod: Pam's Harvestcraft
+ Added mod: Doors
* Rebound MO Android Ability Switch key to fix Tab menu not working
* Fixed an issue where players would be disconnected upon joining the server for the first time
* Changed default first person body mode to '011' (uses FP body but normal 2D arms by default), all other modes can still be cycled through using F1
* Updated logo design in splash screen
- Removed mod: Neat (was causing issues with Weather2 clouds)
- Disabled Blood Moon
- Removed Killerteddy
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