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Skyblock: The wipe coords needs to be lowered



I discovered this while.... accidentally wiping my skyblock plot... UnawareOf was attempting to give me island perms. Instead of perms, UnawareOf unknowingly invited me to the island instead. The command did not warn me that my base would be wiped.

Steps to Reproduce

Reproduce Rate: Always (100%)
1. Do a /island accept.
2. Wipe plot.


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I'll address the island wipe first - that's something we should be able to get restored from a backup (though depending on when the most recent snapshot is, there might still be some unavoidable loss of progression, but the vast majority should be fine).

As for the actual bug - that's due to a fundamental issue with the plugin we use, it's not designed for anything below Y0 and so that kind of stuff just won't be cleared. It's theoretically fixable, but it'd require that we modify the plugin ourselves.

It likely won't be addressed anytime soon as it's just not a high priority for us right now compared to other stuff we're working on - but we'll make sure your island gets restored.

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