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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Alright, so some additional updates on the 1.19 situation: As of now, we've made the decision to (assuming no new horrible info comes out before then) update to 1.19.1 once it releases and is stable. We won't be updating to 1.19, and instead will jump straight to 1.19.1 once we're able. Most of what remains in the reporting feature seems to be detailed enough ingame to have seemingly very little opportunity for misinterpretation - to the point where I'm much more comfortable potentially enabling that feature. Now, that being said, we will not be enabling it right out of the gate. We'll be keeping message signing off initially, and we plan to still watch and wait to see what kind of stuff gets banned and enforced before making a decision to enable message signing (and thus, reports) or not. If the report categories don't change any, and if the only people getting banned are actual scumbags (and not just people goofing around with each other for fun), then odds are we'll enable it at that point. Either way, that'll be for a future announcement - and after seeing where everything else goes. The update is still a ways off, and enabling any chat reporting is likely still a month or more away from when we're updated - so this won't be anything that'll have any immediate impact.
    1 point