+ Added categorized theme menu to the following themes: Chaotic United - 2019 (Dark), United AlyCraft, CU Theme - Light, NuclearDistrict's Theme
+ Made the following themes public (some are really old and shit so be warned): Chaotic United - 2016 (Dark)
* Fixed incorrect redirects on some resources at api.chaoticunited.net
* Fixed style issues with the following themes: Chaotic United - 2020, Chaotic United - 2020 (Dark), Chaotic United - 2019, Chaotic United - 2019 (Dark), Nuclear District - 2020, CU Theme - Light, NuclearDistrict's Theme, United AlyCraft, Chaotic Blue, Chaotic Green
* Updated TeamSpeak 3 server to 3.13.6
- Disabled award due to redundancy: Pot of Gold
- Disabled award due to redundancy: Angel
- Removed Killerteddy