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Everything posted by KrazyHydra

  1. For those that do webdesign, I need some help. I'm working on a student organization website at my university. Luckily, wordpress is a simple tool that basically let me do as much as i could without any knowledge in CSS or HTML of that sort. But right now, the contact form on my website is the same color text as the background, so when you go to enter in your information/question, you can't read shit. I'm trying to change the color, but it looks like I have to manually input a code to change the color of the text. The following is what I got from the Contact form.php ... but honestly I have no idea what I'm doing. '<?php add_action('wp_ajax_om_ajax_contact_form', 'om_ajax_contact_form'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_om_ajax_contact_form', 'om_ajax_contact_form'); function om_ajax_contact_form() { if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $_POST = stripslashes_deep( $_POST ); } $email = get_option(OM_THEME_PREFIX.'form_email'); if(!$email) { echo '1'; die(); } $html='<h3>'.__('Contact Form', 'om_theme').'</h3>'; $html.='<table border="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><td>'.__('Date', 'om_theme').'</td><td>'.date('F j, Y H:i').'</td></tr>'; if(is_array(@$_POST['fields'])) { foreach($_POST['fields'] as $k=>$v) { $html.='<tr><td>'.base64_decode($k).'</td><td>'.str_replace("\n",'<br/>',htmlspecialchars($v)).'</td></tr>'; } } $html.='</table>'; add_filter('wp_mail_content_type',create_function('', 'return "text/html";')); if( wp_mail( $email, __('Contact form filled','om_theme'), $html ) ) echo '0'; else echo '1'; die(); }' The code is within the ' '
  2. What uppp
  3. What's up ND Graphic Designers! I'm looking for someone to help me! I'm in need of two stream overlays for a 1920x1080 Monitor. Thematically, one stream will be for Diablo 3 and the other will be for League of Legends. For Diablo 3, I wish for the overlays to have the Monk class to be the focus since I primarily only play monk. Keep it minimalistic as possible but nice to look at! For League of Legends, there is a new skin called PROJECT: Yasuo. I wish for that to be the focus. Here are some links for The overlays will be placed over the game, so keep in mind of the placement of the minimaps, skills, etc! Thanks. Again, I appreciate whoever tries to this!
  4. Made you click this thread.
  5. I am using SpeedFan :S I like it. Just tells you your temperature and you can increase/decrease GPU Fan speed which I like.
  6. I'm just asking for suggestions. There's a lot of them and I wanted to know what people used, see if there are some to avoid, etc.
  7. Just started Skyrim and I'm really interested in playing through Skyrim with all the available mods that increase the visuals of the game without hindering the vanilla playthrough. Anyone have suggestions/links to tutorials for good mods that do this?
  8. I should hop on this right away? Or wait for next gen CPUs like NTX? Also, my budget increased $200 more because I got more from my paycheck than I anticipated [which leaves me around $1000], so I'll be able to upgrade/add some stuff.
  9. Looking to build a new PC. How is this looking so far? Anything to swap/upgrade? Budget is floating around $800~$900.
  10. KrazyHydra

    Forums Site

    Malwarebytes categorizes this website as malicious and blocks it completely. Not sure if there's a fault in the program or if there's something in the forums, but you should check it out. I added it to the ignore list, but in case of the latter option, say no to internet STDs!
  11. KrazyHydra


    Loooooooooool. Them glitches doe
  12. Oh...must be my screen resolution then
  13. Oh, the text was fine; the resolution or whatever doesn't fit if you view it on my profile.
  14. Damn, it's sick but something went a miss and it doesn't fit haha.
  15. This is such an awesome idea! I'll be back with a dikpik... Err I mean selfie. 8^)
  16. Your signature is mighty large, Lord Kendev.