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  1. Winner
    Windwhistle reacted to MILKANDOREOS for a status update, I am so tired   
    I am so tired
  2. Winner
    Windwhistle reacted to aelf ☽ for a status update, what if great white sharks dont know how great they are   
    what if great white sharks dont know how great they are 
  3. Upvote
    Windwhistle reacted to SilentEnderGirl for a status update, Did you know there is no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday? you call the day before   
    Did you know there is no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday? 
    you call the day before yesterday
    but yesterday you called it today 
    you call the day after tomorrow 
    but tomorrow you will call it today 
    Don’t dwell in the past 
    Don’t worry about the future 
    Live for today cause today is all you have. 
  4. Funny
    Windwhistle got a reaction from SilentEnderGirl for a status update, i fan   
    i fan
  5. Upvote
    Windwhistle got a reaction from GuitarXpress for a status update, i fan   
    i fan
  6. Upvote
    Windwhistle reacted to KiranFuryPhoenix for a status update, I have become the potate.   
    I have become the potate.
  7. Upvote
    Windwhistle reacted to Kwill1104 for a status update, Ga-hyuck!   
  8. Downvote
    Windwhistle reacted to soggy for a status update, send noods if you catch my drift im talking about noodle   
    send noods
    if you catch my drift
    im talking about noodle
  9. Upvote
    Windwhistle reacted to Baxman for a status update, Hi   
  10. Upvote
    Windwhistle reacted to turkey for a status update, bitch   
  11. Upvote
    Windwhistle got a reaction from Em_Aru for a status update, dad.   
  12. Upvote
    Windwhistle reacted to Em_Aru for a status update, Noot Noot   
    Noot Noot