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New Skins - Chaotic v3 & Chaotic District

1 post in this topic

Lately, you may have noticed the new and improved "Chaotic District" theme. For those of you who are new, let me tell you what Chaotic District is.


During the couple months before I purchased "", I was going to try and start something that would be a sort of sucessor to Chaotic United. This was around mid-June of 2014. At that time, the only person in contact with Killerteddy1 was Josh_3210. I had asked josh if I was allowed to reboot Chaotic United in September, and he just told me to register So just days later, I registered the domain name "". Days later Alycat returned, and just weeks later we were running with full IP.Board forum software. Since then, we have, in my opinion, reached a point better than CU was at in 2013. The reason I say this when we continue to have a nearly empty server 5/7 weekdays is just that. We don't need donations to survive. This is partially what killed Chaotic United in the past; Teddy didn't use the donations and thus, CU collapsed ultimately due to a lack of financial support. I also have new information regarding Killerteddy1 and his end on Chaotic United, but thats for another day.


There is also a theme that I have had to rebuild, bit by bit. This is the Chaotic v3 theme, designed by Spencer back in the day. (Awesome job, Spencer! :D) I had a backup template of it, and luckily enough source code was retained to be able to be redesigned almost exactly as before. It isn't public yet, but I hope to have it public VERY soon. At the moment, I am waiting to get MikeStardust's permission to use the logo. But I will share some screenshots for you for the time being. ;)











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