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Checking theme compatiability...
Theme Unsupported
Your currently selected theme does not have support for user-selectable group formatting. In order to use this feature, you must use one of the following themes:
- Chaotic United - 2020
- Chaotic United - 2020 (Dark)
- XGame
You can change the theme by using the Theme menu, found near either the bottom-left or bottom-center of the page depending on the theme you are currently using.
These settings are handled through browser cookies. If you have cookies disabled in your browser or happen to clear them, the default group formatting will be applied.
Additionally, changing this setting will require a page refresh in order for it to fully take effect.
Default Group Formatting
Our current group formatting style.
Classic Group Formatting
Feeling nostalgic? Change the group formatting to rock that old-school look - complete with glow effects and low-res stars.
Classic ND Group Formatting
Remember when Nuclear District's group colors were slightly different from the old CU colors? We do. If you do too, you too can rock this look.
ND Group Formatting
Change your group formatting to the ones used for most of the later years of ND, as well as on CU until 2020.
CU 2015 Group Formatting
If you were around for the early days of the CU revival project, you might recall a time where there 1. too many groups, and 2. excessive use of the glow effect previously reserved for Premium and Benefactor. Granted - it is is a cool effect, but maybe we overdid it just a tad back then. But hey - if that's your thing, this one's for you.