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9/12/2024 Minecraft Update




* Updated CUPackage to 1.3.6
* Updated CUCraftingPlus to 1.3.21
* Updated PermissionsEx to 1.25.1-CU
* Teddy will now no longer drop loot if any players have perks enabled
* All items (besides Shulker Boxes) can now be stored within Player Vaults
* Moved economy toplist hologram upwards slightly in Survival spawn
* Donator rank disclaimer message added to Vaults hologram in Survival spawn
* VIP and above can once again use /back to return to their death point in Survival (perks required)
* CUCraftingPlus no longer utilizes Mining Fatigue to handle block break speed - instead, the plugin makes use of the block_break_speed attribute, allowing effects like Mining Fatigue to work properly again
* PermissionsEx now stores user data in a separate file (users.yml) in order to allow for editing of groups directly without risking altering user groups or permissions unintentionally
* Fixed an issue where nicknames could sometimes not appear in chat
* Fixed an issue where crate keys obtained with perks enabled would not be usable
* Fixed an issue where CratesPlus would print an error to console anytime a player opened a chest
* Fixed an issue where Death Chests could place within WorldGuard regions or GriefPrevention claims
* Fixed an issue where players with Death Chest permissions could not use /deathchest claim
* Fixed an issue where custom blocks could sometimes be broken with an Axe, even when the block is not intended to be broken with one
* Fixed an issue where Durite tools with extra-break would still be damaged when used in Creative mode
* Fixed an issue where /tpaccept could not be used if the destination server was blocked, even when accepting a /tpahere request
* Fixed an issue where /tpo and /tpohere would not always ignore blocked source/destination servers
* Fixed an issue where /tpahere requests could not be sent to players in blocked destination servers
* Fixed an issue where /tpahere requests could be sent from players in blocked destination servers
* Fixed an issue where /fly would be disabled in Survival upon leaving/rejoining or switching servers
* Fixed an issue where ItemJoin would display an error message when switching to Hub (cu)
* Fixed an issue where Moderators and above would have their inventory contents kept upon death in Vanilla
- Removed Killerteddy



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