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CUCommands ToggleWorldEdit broken

  • Closed

While trying to give players worldedit access. the command removed their prefix and seemingly removed their permissions. They were unable to use WorldEdit after the command was used.


I fixed  this by giving it to them manually via Pex.


@haloman30Needs to fix this. I was preoccupied with another project and had to step away to fix this. 

Reproduce Rate: Unknown/Unspecified

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You done goofed with the command, you gave it to them in a world named '24h'. Pex doesn't have any sort of system built-in to remove a rank after a period of time.


I've confirmed that the command works correctly and that the issue lies elsewhere.

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    Pending = We have not yet reviewed the report.

    Unconfirmed = We have acknowledged the submission but have not yet confirmed whether or not the bug exists.

    Confirmed = We've reviewed the bug report and found the source of the error. Fix imminent.

    Fixed = The issue has been fixed and/or implemented and should be pushed live shortly if it hasn't been already.

    Closed = Reports that we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


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