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Forum Rules

  • No Double Posting - You're posts will be merged, however if you try to get around the limitation you will be warned.
  • No Flaming Players/Staff - You'll receive a 30% warning level.
  • No Advertising - If you're advertising a different server, you'll be IP Banned without warning.
  • No Spamming - If you're seen spamming threads, you'll receive a 40% warning level.
  • No Low Quality Posts - Please try to use grammar in your posts. If you're caught posting more then one LQPs you will receive a 40% warning level.
  • Reputation Abuse - Do not abuse reputation. Abusing reputation would be asking for reputation or mass adding reputation to users. You will receive a 50% warning level.
  • Suggestions Forum Abuse - Do not abuse the Suggestions forum. It is for suggestions ONLY. You will receive a 50% warning level.
  • Signature Size - Your signature cannot be larger than 400 pixels in height.

These rules are subject to change, and can be changed at any time without prior notice.

Warning Levels

Multiple infractions affect your warning level on the forums, too high of a warning level will lead you into a limited usergroup, if you receive more infractions you will be banned.

  • 50% - Suspend posting privileges for 1 Day(s)
  • 60% - Suspend posting privileges for 3 Day(s)
  • 70% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 1 Day(s)
  • 80% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 3 Day(s)
  • 90% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 1 Week(s)
  • 100% - Move to banned group (Suspended) for 1 Months(s)

Minecraft Server Rules

  • Do not grief - This is the act of causing grief to other players by destroying blocks placed or owned by other players. Griefing also includes changing the landscape for no reason at all. You may destroy other blocks if it is faction related.
  • Do not spam - Repeatedly sending messages in a short time frame is not allowed.
  • Do not ask for items - Asking staff or someone with spawning capabilities for items is annoying and not allowed.
  • No cheats/hacks/zombe packs - Cheating or hacking on the server to give yourself an unfair advantage is not tolerated. This includes but is not limited to speed hacking, X-Ray hacking, and fly hacking just to name a few.
  • Respect everyone - You are not expected to like everyone, but this does not mean you can use offensive language or harass others.
  • No TNT, Lava, Water or anything else that is destructive - The use of these blocks are forbidden unless given permission by a staff member.
  • No powered Minecarts - Minecarts create unnesscary lag, therefore they are not allowed.
  • No 1 block width block towers - Do not create towers or other large formations that are 1 block wide.
  • You may not sell spawned items - Exchanging spawned item for in-game currency is not allowed. This will lead to the suspension of your premium rank.
  • Do not distribute spawned items to other members - If you are a premium member, do not give away items that you have spawned to other players. This will lead to the suspension of your premium rank as well.
  • Do not teleport or disconnect to avoid a PvP encounter.
  • Do not threaten the server - Do not discuss or conspire to have the server attacked by a DDoS or any other forum of unwanted or malicious attack.