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About this blog

Contains various information regarding fixes to the MC server, Forums, or other CU services.

Entries in this blog


1/12/2024 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added emoji to Forums and Discord: :arlem:

+ Added emoji to Forums and Discord: :wind:

+ Added emoji to Forums and Discord: :windwaifu:

+ Added emoji to Forums and Discord: :pylon:

+ Added emoji to Forums and Discord: :wf:

+ Added emoji to Forums and Discord: :wfold:

- Removed Killerteddy


8/12/2023 Network Update

Default (Uncategorized)

* Migrated Valheim, Beta 1.7.3, and Age of Rebirth to the same dedicated server as the main MC server
* Updated Valheim server IP to, since Valheim now (finally) supports using hostnames instead of a direct IP address
- Removed Killerteddy


11/17/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: Craftbook
+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: CraftbookCircuits
+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: CraftbookMechanisms
+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: CraftbookVehicles
+ Added page to donation store showing all donation history
* Updated Donation Terms to clarify a few poorly written points
* Improved all rank descriptions on donation store with better formatting and organization, as well as adding some permissions that were undocumented and removing other permissions that no longer function
- Removed the following permissions from Donator on Beta 1.7.3: Fly mod permission, /heal, /feed, /repair, /back
- Removed the following permissions from VIP on Beta 1.7.3: /item, /itemdb, /god, /spawnmob
- Removed Killerteddy


11/5/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added some additional announcements
* Updated CUItemSpawn to 1.1.1
* Updated CUPackage to 1.2.13
* Updated donation store descriptions to remove Chat Formatting perk from Chaotic and Benefactor descriptions, and add it to Creator
* Chat Formatting perk (formerly a Benefactor and up perk) is now available to Creators and above
* Fixed a typo (from literally 2014) where Chaotic rank lists either a 200x200 plot, or two 100x100 plots - now lists up to 4 100x100 plots as 200x200 plots no longer are an option (and also two 100x100 plots would be less space than a 200x200 plot smh)
- Removed the glass barrier in front of SurvivalGames signs since im an idiot and forgot to do that
- Removed Killerteddy


10/19/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added categorized theme menu to the following themes: Chaotic United - 2019 (Dark), United AlyCraft, CU Theme - Light, NuclearDistrict's Theme
+ Made the following themes public (some are really old and shit so be warned): Chaotic United - 2016 (Dark)
* Fixed incorrect redirects on some resources at
* Fixed style issues with the following themes: Chaotic United - 2020, Chaotic United - 2020 (Dark), Chaotic United - 2019, Chaotic United - 2019 (Dark), Nuclear District - 2020, CU Theme - Light, NuclearDistrict's Theme, United AlyCraft, Chaotic Blue, Chaotic Green
* Updated TeamSpeak 3 server to 3.13.6
- Disabled award due to redundancy: Pot of Gold
- Disabled award due to redundancy: Angel
- Removed Killerteddy


10/15/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added CraftBook to Creative server
+ Added CUItemSpawn to Creative and Hub (cu) server

+ VIP rank now has access to a new "Death Chest" perk, where their inventory items are stored in a chest near their death location. Only available in Survival (NOT Semi-Vanilla)

* Updated CUPackage from 1.2.7 to 1.2.8
- Removed 'Live Streams' link from Community dropdown menu (the page can still be found at, but will no longer be maintained)
- Removed 'Team Jobs' link from Team dropdown menu
- Removed Killerteddy


10/12/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added subforum:
+ Added subforum: registartion (yes it's a typo, and yes it's on purpose)
+ Added subforum: Runescape Server
+ Added additional fields to Bug Tracker submission form to aid in quality bug submissions
* Fixed some layouts not displaying properly on Chaotic United - 2021 (+Dark) theme
* Fixed shoutbox text input not being dark mode on Chaotic United - 2021 (Dark) theme
* Fixed a bug where users below Benefactor could claim plots in /warp benefactor
* Fixed shoutbox not being usable
* Increased server render distance in hub from 8 to 16
* Begun importing old CU forum topics from Wayback Machine
- Removed Killerteddy


8/19/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added plugin: CUMarketplace
+ Added plugin: GSit
* Updated several in-game announcements
* Fixed /warp list not working in Survival
* Forums: Guests can no longer report content
* Forums: Guests can no longer upload attachments
- Removed plugin: Chairs
- Removed plugin: SimpleSit


8/10/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

* Fixed Developer rank not displaying properly in the Tab menu
* Fixed Tab menu not showing for spectators
* Updated CUItemSpawn from 1.0.14 to 1.0.15
* Fixed a display issue with the WYSIWYG editor within forums
* Suggestions Tracker now has categories for each service, with each category containing an Archive category
* Suggestions Tracker now has a 'Closed' status
- Removed Killerteddy


7/15/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

* Updated VentureChat from 2.22.8 to 2.23.3
* Hub server no longer runs under MCMyAdmin
* Redesigned rank icons for donation store
* Updated icons used in tab list to match classic cyan color revert
- Removed Killerteddy


7/13/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

* Fixed an issue where PlotSquared wasn't able to check permissions correctly

* Fixed HardcoreDarkness being impoperly configured on Age of Rebirth server
- Removed Killerteddy


7/11/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added MobMoney to Beta 1.7.3 (only block money support is available at this time)
* Fixed solder subdomain not pointing to the correct server, thus causing players to be unable to download the Age of Rebirth modpack
* Set EMC value for Basalt Cobblestone to 1 on Age of Rebirth
* Set EMC value for Marble Cobblestone to 1 on Age of Rebirth
* Set EMC value for Gray Limestone Cobblestone to 1 on Age of Rebirth
- Removed Killerteddy


7/9/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

* Re-started the MC donation store
* Updated Main MC server to 1.17.1
* Re-started Age of Rebirth (Modded MC) server
* Reset Age of Rebirth world with a new seed
* Recompiled LWCX to be compatiable with MySQL 8.0 driver
* Finished migration of main MC server to new dedicated server
* Updated HawkEye from 1.0.4b to 1.0.5
* HawkEye on Beta 1.7.3 now uses HikariCP instead of its own built-in connection pool
* Fixed votes from vote sites not issuing rewards ingame
* Fixed an issue where the server icon for the Main MC server would sometimes not display in the server list
* Fixed topic thumbnails not displaying correctly in Chaotic United - 2021 theme
- Removed Killerteddy


7/5/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

Some of the items in this changelog were introduced within the past 1-2 days.


+ Added new livemap page at (modifying dynmap's own web html page breaks during updates apparently)
+ Added livemap link to navigation menu
+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: Dynmap
+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: Announcement
+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: DiscordCore
+ Added plugin to Beta 1.7.3: DiscordChatBridge
* Recompiled Vault for 1.17
* Fixed Craftconomy3 recompilation not being compatible with existing API hooks
* Fixed MobMoney messages not including the word 'Dollar' in pickup messages
* Fixed economy interactions (MobMoney pickups) in Survival and Semi-Vanilla not working
* Fixed crates not being available in SkyBlock
* Updated livemap links on website and ingame to new URL
* Updated MC Beta 1.7.3 server to use Project Poseidon (fork of CB1060) instead of stock CB1000
* Beta 1.7.3 server now has a livemap (
* Beta 1.7.3 server now has Discord integration (#b173-chatlogs)
* Moved Beta 1.7.3 server to new dedicated server
- Disabled plugin on Beta 1.7.3: MCMA_compat (BukkitCompat)
- Removed Killerteddy


07/01/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added theme: Chaotic United - 2021

+ Added theme: Chaotic United - 2021 (Dark)

* Set default theme to Chaotic United - 2021

* Updated logo design on main website

* Updated Discord icon

- Removed Killerteddy


5/8/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

* All forum groups can now store an unlimited number of private conversations
* MC Server: Enabled the use of /sethome abilities in SkyBlock
* Fixed some groups not being able to create Gallery albums
* All groups can now view display name history for any user
- Removed total uploaded attachment size limit for all forum groups
- Removed Killerteddy


2/25/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

This update includes several changes prior to 2/25/2021.


+ Added a variety of new (old) worlds to the Download center
+ Added new version of ND 2015 Survival world with spawn included
+ Added screenshots for all world archives in Download center
+ Added plugin to BungeeCord: AdvancedBan
+ Added plugin to BungeeCord: PlayerBalancer
* Players are now sent to Hub in the event of a server disconnect (does not apply to kicks or bans)
* Reimplemented /mail as part of CUBungee, allowing Mail to be cross-server
* Minor theme fixes for Nuclear District - 2020 theme on forums
* Server links on livemap are now contained within a dropdown menu instead of being placed on the main navbar
* Survival has been migrated to its own server (/server survival)
* SkyBlock has been migrated to its own server (/server skyblock)
* Fixed join/leave/switch messages not showing up properly
- Removed Killerteddy


2/14/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

* Updated BungeeCord to to Waterfall #395
* Updated all servers from 1.16.4 (#288) to 1.16.5 (#468)
* Updated GeyserMC to 1.2.0
* Updated WorldEdit to 7.2.2
* Changed Votifier BungeeCord integration to use proxy instead of plugin messaging
* Fixed Creative not having vote rewards
* Discord: Disable messages from #memes and #nsfw from showing up within #starboard
- Removed Killerteddy


1/7/2021 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added emote to Discord and Forums: :pogchamp:
+ Added plugin to Semi-Vanilla: MineQuil
* Changed minimum /rtp radius to 100 (was 10)
* Changed maximum /rtp radius to 5000 (was 1000)
- Removed Killerteddy


1/4/2020 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added new Hub

+ Added gamemode: Semi-Vanilla Survival

+ Added plugin: BoatRace

+ Discord: Added channel: #gaming

* Moved spawn location for Semi-Vanilla to the final spawn

- Removed Killerteddy


11/28/2020 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

MC Server:

+ Implemented BungeeCord
+ Added server: hub
+ Added server: sv
+ Added plugin: VentureChat
+ Added plugin: BungeeTabListPlus (BungeeCord)
+ Added plugin: PlaceholderAPI
+ Added plugin: BungeePerms (BungeeCord)
+ Added plugin: ServerUtils (BungeeCord)
+ Added navigation bar to dynmap webpage
* Updated CUPackage to 1.2.4
* Updated Announcement to 1.0.8
* Updated NuVotifier to 2.7.1
* Updated Autorank from 3.8 to 4.4
* Reconfigured Autorank to use MySQL instead of flatfiles in order to track time cross-server
* Ported Announcement from Bukkit to BungeeCord
* Start rebranding in-game CU prefixes from Cyan (&3) to the custom blue color used on forums
* Minigame permissions are now only granted in the Minigames world
* Survival economy permissions are now only granted in Survival worlds
* SkyBlock permissions are now only granted in SkyBlock worlds
* PermissionsEx group/user data is now shared between servers
* Chat is now cross-server
* Redesigned tab menu
* Changed page title for dynmap webpage, now displays as "Chaotic United Livemap" followed by the server name instead of the server MOTD
* Increased maximum MySQL connection limit to accommodate multiple servers and increased database usage
* Fixed world spawn for Hub world still being set at the Halloween 2020 hub
- Removed Killerteddy



+ Added Ruin Community to Partners page

- Removed Killerteddy


9/1/2020 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added Grifblock channel to TS3
+ Added SurvivalGames channel to TS3
* Updated TeamSpeak 3 server to v3.12.1
* Moved ElDewrito channel to 'Other Games' category in TS3
* Player interaction on MC (including chat) will no longer disable a player's AFK status
* Fixed Premium Zone subforum being inaccessible on forums due to maintenance tasks being unable to run
- Removed Killerteddy


8/12/2020 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added plugin: PartMan

* Sponsors and above can use PartMan in Survival and Creative

* Fixed an issue where Minecraft Moderators were unable to view staff applications
* Reduced prices for all disguises in donation store
* Updated CUXPSell to v1.1.0
* When selling XP levels with CUXPSell, the resulting money is now based on actual XP earned rather than a fixed amount of 7 dollars per level
- Removed Killerteddy


8/11/2020 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added a #selfies channel to Discord

+ Added /nightvision command to Creative for Members, and to Survival for Sponsor and above (toggles permanent, particle-free night vision)

* Updated CUCommands to v1.2.10

* Updated server resource pack to v1.1.6

* Reduced chat spam from mass voting, will now only broadcast new votes from a user that are made 2 minutes after the first vote

- Removed Killerteddy


7/21/2020 Update

Default (Uncategorized)

+ Added MC plugin: Bounties

* Updated DonationStore website to v2.4.17

* Gold Pickaxes can now be used to break spawners with SilkSpawners

- Removed Killerteddy